Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Prayers Needed for Evelyn

Evelyn met with her oncologist this week at Loma Linda. She had a PET scan done and had been waiting for the results. Her last CAT scan wasn't to clear so he had ordered that she have a Pet scan done. A hot spot showed up in the PET scan in her lung. Now she has a third spot. The spot did not show in the CAT scan. He said they could do a biopsy on the spot but unless they hit the exact spot with the needle it could come back negative. He thought she should ahead and start the chemo ASAP so she will begin yet another round of Chemo next Thursday. She has been feeling pretty well as of late so this is sad news for all of the family. I love this dear lady. She is like a mother to me. Please say a prayer that God will see her through yet another round of treatments. Thank you and God Bless.....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Weekend Trip to Ponca City

Last weekend my guys decided we should go to Ponca City it is a quaint little town about 100 or so miles from us. We had a lot of fun they have many antique type stores there and lots to see. We ate at this awesome place called Perkins kind of like a Coco's in California kind of place.. Mike decided to take pictures of the Elevated Water tanks in each town we went through you know him and WATER ha ha ha... We also had to stop at anything Historical and of course to stop and see Tanks along the way in different towns. Oklahoma is full of History for sure. Mike is enjoying these weekend jaunts. Also along the roads all you see are fields full of cows so I stopped and talked to some along the way... I like MOO COWS.. (smile) We also found the Missionary Baptist Church in Ponca City and took a picture of that too. Of course no one was there cause it was Saturday. On Sunday we drove to Enid and attended the ABA Missionary Baptist Church there. It is a tiny church only about 15 people were there but all extremely friendly. The Pastor and his wife invited us to their home for a Pot Roast Dinner was yummy. I will post some pictures of the weekend now.. Love ya

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Catch up time....

Well we have been here for about 8 weeks and I never got to post this picture of Aaron with Bill from Bill's Special Kids. This was taken at the Annual Christmas Party a few days before we moved out of California.( Aaron calls Bill Grampa) He misses Bill and everyone very much. Saturday's are just not the same for us anymore for sure. But I love this picture of him and Bill I am going to Walmart today to make a large copy of it for him. Bill and his family are truly some of the most wonderful people on this earth. They give of themselves so unselfishly and give up all weekends for Special Kids. How many of you would be willing to give up every Saturday for something? But their work is not just on Saturdays it is a full time event just keeping things in order to get ready for each sport they do with the kids, ordering uniforms, trophies and doing the award parties etc... They will not receive their reward here on earth (which is good) but they will receive their rewards when they get to heaven. And God will say A JOB WELL DONE INDEED!!!! I LOVE and MISS YOU ALL!!!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Monday Morning

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and had a nice Valentine's Day with your honeys...(smile) My guys took me to Enid on Saturday and we spent the day there and shopped, I got a pedicure and manicure and we had dinner there. (Since there is no place in Alva to have a nice dinner).... My hubby got me a beautiful ring for Valentine's Day I took a picture of it I will post it at the end of this. Anyway... it is Monday so back to the Salt Mines I am doing laundry and cleaning house same ole same ole.. Sending safe and warm and gentle hugs to you all... XOXOXO

Friday, February 13, 2009

One Year Since Surgery Today

I had my gastric bypass 1 year ago today wow how time flies. I cannot begin to tell you how much better I feel since having this surgery and what a difference it has made in my life. I have now lost 111 pounds. And if I never lose another ounce this WOULD HAVE BEEN ALL SO WORTH IT......My guys keep telling me how great I look and call me skinny. As you can see I am far from skinny but in their eyes I am and that is all that matters. (smile)

I will post pictures below of before Surgery and the ones Aaron took of me this morning before he went to school.I fit in those pants a year ago scary.... Ha!

These were in 2008 111 pounds ago....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tornado in Oklahoma

Thank you all who have emailed and or called to check on us. We are fine the tornado did not touch down near us. (Thank The Lord)... We just got rain and wind. It is all that has been on our television the coverage of the damages to homes and businesses. Very sad that so many lost their homes and belongs. Say a prayer for these people please. Here are a few pictures that were taken of some of the damages. And again thanks for checking up on us nice to know how many people care..


Dorothy said Toto I do not think we are in Kansas anymore.
Well Kansas is only about 15 minutes from us. Ha! Ha!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

WOO HOO for the Gaither Vocal Band

Sunday night on the Grammy's the Gaither Vocal Band won a prestigious Grammy Award for Best Southern, Country, Bluegrass Gospel Album entitled Lovin' Life.
This is the eighth win for the Gaither Vocal Band. We love going to the Homecoming Concerts they are awesome. I love it when Southern Gospel music gets recognized.

Monday, February 9, 2009

This weekend

This weekend we took Aaron and Jessica to see the movie called "TAKEN" it is a very good movie with Liam Neeson. We all really liked it. Jess came home on the bus with Aaron on Friday after school and we took her home yesterday after she went to Church with us, so she was here the entire weekend, which thrilled Aaron for sure. She and Aaron had a lot of fun playing the Wii, Guitar Hero and UNO. They get along so well together, they have known each other since they were 2 years old. It is nice they finally get to go to High School together after knowing each other all these years. Aaron also attends High School with my cousins Twins who are a year older than Aaron and Jess. Justin eats lunch with Aaron every day. If I bake a cake he always has me pack two pieces of cake one for him and one for Justin. (he likes to share his lunch) Ha!

It is raining here this morning looks quite stormy outside do not know what the day will be like. Well I had best get busy need to dry my hair and get dressed the bus just picked Aaron up for school so now my day starts.... Love you all....

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Alva High School Basketball Homecoming

Yesterday was the Basketball homecoming game at the High School Aaron attends. I had an IEP meeting at his school yesterday morning. As I was driving to the school on the main street in town there was this sign in the middle of road. You know you live in a small town when they have message boards in the middle of the street announcing the game and to wear all black. (smile)

Aaron bought a Homecoming T Shirt. The Mascot is called the GoldBug. The theme for Homecoming was like Pirates and stuff so the T Shirt had the GoldBug with crossbones in the background it was very cute. I took a picture of him in his T Shirt.

His IEP went well all his teachers attended except the one for Art he was absent yesterday but he has been doing an awesome job they all said. His Home Ec teacher brought a pillow case Aaron had made WOW.. he can sew well... I was quite impressed and she taught him how to iron it too. (Way to go Aaron...) Here is a picture of the pillowcase he was not thrilled with the horse material but the teacher said it was one of the most manly kind of material she had. Ha!