Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Update on Medical Issues....

God is Good and Faithful isn't he?
When you think you have given up and can't go no more he gives you the strength to pick up and go on......

Sorry I have not posted in a bit. I have not been feeling well. And all these tests the doctors are putting me through I am always tired it seems. I am getting old I guess and falling apart. She is leaving no stone unturned it seems. I am still black and blue from the last hospital visit.
Yesterday they took even more blood. Will there be any left???? (smile)

Now they want me to also do a sleep apnea test they said because of when I do have surgery I will need to be on the machine for at least 2 month prior if I have sleep apnea. I do not think I have it but they said it is a common practice they do these days for anyone over 50 with medical problems.

Man if I had known years ago I would live to be OLD I would have maybe taken better care of myself. (smile)
Having cancer is nothing I could have did nothing about of course it just happens.
One of those if it be God's will kind of things. But some of the other issues maybe I would have given more thought to.

Wouldn't it be great if God clued us in on his plans for our lives ahead of time???? Just a thought.

It just scares me times knowing Aaron will need someone for all his life and I will not be around at some point in his life to care for him. Since I have been sick he tells me everyday. Mom I wish you could live forever and be with me. He is so darned cute you just gotta love and hug him. He is not in summer school this year so he has been with me 24/7 he tells me every time I walk by him almost I love you mom. Wish he was little still so I could pick him up and squeeze him to pieces. Ha!

He has the sweetest heart in the world. He wants everyone to love him. A shame we can't have everyone love us isn't it? With his child like mind he wants life that way and why not huh? I would LOVE life that way myself who wouldn't?

Thank you all who have sent cards and emails I LOVE YOU ALL. I have some of the greatest friends for sure. God will bless you indeed for your sweet thoughts and prayers for me and my family.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS......HUGS