Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, July 30, 2007

'6 Degrees of Martina McBride'

We've all heard the theory: Everyone in the world is separated from everyone else by only six other people. But is it true? That's the starting point for "6 Degrees of Martina McBride," a new show that combined competition with country music and the social theory known as "six degrees of separation.
Six people from some of the tiniest towns in America will find out just how far connections, talent and Martina McBride can take them toward their dream of country music stardom.

The six hopefuls were Kristina Craig from Whitman, Neb., Mark Jasper from Beulah, N.D., DeAnne Roberts from Dickens, Texas, Ken Swick from Elk River Valley, Colo., Dani Riker from Encampment, Wyo., and Thomas Stratton from Union, Ore. In the end, only one of the six could walk away with a record deal.

DeAnne Roberts from Texas won.. she had the best song.. not necessarily I felt the best voice but the best song.

It was a cute show I really liked it. Wish I could get on a show like that I would like to play that game. hehehe

Bill's Suprise 75th Birthday Party

Saturday Bill had a Suprise Party it was really neat he did not know at all about it. Evelyn had taken him to State Line, Nevada on Thursday so we could decorate and prepare the food etc. We had a lot of fun working on the party and it was a great success. Some of the pictures were taken on Friday, as we prepared for the party. We cut up ALOT OF FRUIT and VEGGIES.. my hand was sore on Saturday. (smile)....
We made beautiful platters of food as you will see in the pictures. These were made so the guests could munch on something while waiting for Bill and Evelyn to arrive. We had awesome food cooked at the party. The same people who did our Bills Special Kids Christmas Party cooked for the party they do awesome tacos of meat and chicken with rice, beans, salsa and chips...ALL YOU CAN SAY IS YUMMY.......

Bill deserves so much from all of us because he gives so much to ALL SPECIAL KIDS... and to the Community. He was Citizen of the Year in "2006" for Moreno Valley. WE LOVE BILL and all of the Yearsley's here are a few pictures of the occasion I took about 180 pictures. I am making Bill a scrapbook.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today is our 37th Anniversary

I cannot believe it has been 37 years since I got married. Where have all those years gone? They say as you get older the years pass more quickly, I am beginning to think that saying is correct. I am blessed to have Michael as my husband and thank God he sent him to me. I was 17 when we got married I thought people who were over 50 were sooooo old. Now that does not seem to old to me. Ha! After being married this long it is just another day though... Aaron has a Psychologist appointment from 10-12 today and then a Psychiatrist appointment at Noon. Then I need to take him for a haircut. This kids hair grows like crazy... girls who want nice long thick hair would love to have his hair. (smile) Tonight is my class from 5:30 - 7:00 this is week 11 I have 13 more weeks of this class. It is really going by fast though. I am enjoying the class and have met a lot of nice people in there too. I guess you can teach an OLD DOG new tricks. Ha!
So you can see our Anniversary will be exciting I have to leave before Michael gets home for my class and I won't be back till about 8:00. I got him a new PDA for our Anniversary he dropped his in water at work last week.

Love ya ...... Judy

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bill's Special Kids Picnic

We had our Bill's Special Kids Annual July Bowling Awards Picnic we had fun but it was hot! Also there are a few pictures at the bowling alley. There are no words to express how wonderful the Yearsley Family is for all their efforts and HARD WORK for the SPECIAL KIDS... GOD BLESS THEM ALL!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds is one of my favorite tv shows it is about FBI profilers. I have never seen a bad show and if we have to miss it we DVR it. I am so upset Mandy Patinkin, citing creative differences, has asked to be released from his role as FBI profiler Jason Gideon. The show just won't be the same without him.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Update on Medical Issues....

God is Good and Faithful isn't he?
When you think you have given up and can't go no more he gives you the strength to pick up and go on......

Sorry I have not posted in a bit. I have not been feeling well. And all these tests the doctors are putting me through I am always tired it seems. I am getting old I guess and falling apart. She is leaving no stone unturned it seems. I am still black and blue from the last hospital visit.
Yesterday they took even more blood. Will there be any left???? (smile)

Now they want me to also do a sleep apnea test they said because of when I do have surgery I will need to be on the machine for at least 2 month prior if I have sleep apnea. I do not think I have it but they said it is a common practice they do these days for anyone over 50 with medical problems.

Man if I had known years ago I would live to be OLD I would have maybe taken better care of myself. (smile)
Having cancer is nothing I could have did nothing about of course it just happens.
One of those if it be God's will kind of things. But some of the other issues maybe I would have given more thought to.

Wouldn't it be great if God clued us in on his plans for our lives ahead of time???? Just a thought.

It just scares me times knowing Aaron will need someone for all his life and I will not be around at some point in his life to care for him. Since I have been sick he tells me everyday. Mom I wish you could live forever and be with me. He is so darned cute you just gotta love and hug him. He is not in summer school this year so he has been with me 24/7 he tells me every time I walk by him almost I love you mom. Wish he was little still so I could pick him up and squeeze him to pieces. Ha!

He has the sweetest heart in the world. He wants everyone to love him. A shame we can't have everyone love us isn't it? With his child like mind he wants life that way and why not huh? I would LOVE life that way myself who wouldn't?

Thank you all who have sent cards and emails I LOVE YOU ALL. I have some of the greatest friends for sure. God will bless you indeed for your sweet thoughts and prayers for me and my family.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS......HUGS

Sunday, July 8, 2007

8 years ago today my life was forever changed......

My daddy was taken suddenly from this world and from his family and we still miss him very much. Life has never been the same since my daddy passed away. I know he is waiting in heaven for me and that does comfort me but the selfish part of me would still wish him to be here. My daddy was the glue that held our family together and since he has gone on to be with the Lord our family has totally fallen apart.
Daddy I miss you and love you and I will see you soon wait at the gate for my arrival when you know I am coming.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Aaron and Nathan

This is Nathan he is getting so big and what a personality he has. He loves his Uncle Aaron they had a ball playing today. He loves to play with Aaron's nose and whenever Aaron said Honk Honk he would crack up it was priceless!!!!!! Aaron adores babies and toddlers and is so good with them.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Birthday America - Glitter Graphics, Glitter Love, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Codes, MySpace layouts, Doll Codes, Glitter Words

Hope you all have had a safe holiday. We took Aaron to see the new Transformers movie that came out today. It was actually quite entertaining. I really did not know if I would probably care for it that much... but the special effects were awesome and I enjoyed he story line as well. We were going to see License to Wed the new Robin Williams movie that just came out but it was about to start and they said the theater was about 90 percent full. So we opted to wait for the next Transformer movie which was starting in 45 minutes, there was already a waiting line to get into it. I am glad we went to see it and I do recommend it to go and see. Aaron loved it of course... !!!!!! So hope everyone else had a nice day we had a very nice day.