Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Yet another surgery is upon us

Took Aaron back to the Surgeon yesterday and once again he has another growth on the bottom part of his spine above his buttocks...They will do surgery ASAP.. They only do it on Thursdays here in Alva at this hospital so they will be calling to schedule hopefully soon. Please continue to keep Bubba in your prayers enough is enough.. Hugs Judy

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our 41st Anniversary

Monday was our 41st Anniversary.. wow where have the years gone.. LOL

My dear sweet son has been working this summer and he bought me a Wii for downstairs so I could do the wii fit etc.. Isn't he the sweetest kiddo...????

We all went to Enid for the day and did some shopping and just goofed off. Michael got me a Mani/Pedicure.. felt so nice..

All in all was a nice day. I am still not feeling all that great and having my headache and stomache issues but was nice to get out of town for the day..

Friday, July 1, 2011

A friend has went home

A dear friend from Church in CA was taken home this week to be with Jesus.Her name was Pat Yates. May God be with her family at this time as they prepare for her Memorial Service. This was our last photo together.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Aaron did it.. yay

We are so so so very proud of Bubba he got all A's and one B on his final report card.. Way to Go Bubba...

Took Mike to the Dr this morning

After his recent episodes of blood sugar in the 600s and him passing out on me and Bubba.. I made him an appointment to see Dr. Garner. She increased his meds for his Diabieties and is running alot of tests.. Blood and urine.. also putting him for a Sleep Study to make sure he is not having seizures.. Stinks to get old.. (smile) he will be 61 on the 22nd of June..

Friday, May 20, 2011

Family Photo

Bubba's Lettermans Jacket Photos

Monday, May 16, 2011

One Step Closer

Well Bubba is one step closer to Graduation. Michael and I are so so very proud of him. He has done so well and turned into a fine young man despite his Autism/Bipolar and other related issues. With God all things are possible.

We went to Baccalaureate last night at the First Baptist Church here in Alva. Wonderful services and the man who preached did and awesome job.

Bubba will graduate this Saturday, May 21st... We love you Bubba...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Year is Flying By

Cannot believe the school year is almost over and even more hard to believe is that Aaron is graduating. Something the teachers had always told me he would never do... (well they were wrong) and not only graduating but graduating in the top of the class.. He has been doing AWESOME.. he amazes me... he just needs help understanding and explaining to him what needs to be done and he can do it...

Here is his graduation announcement I designed it so fits him. Love this picture of him looking at the water..

We are so very very proud of Bubba.. Way to go Dude

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy 18th Birthday Bubba

Goodness I can hardly believe it that my baby is 18 today. Where did all those years go? He is at school right now I hope having an awesome day... ;-)

I took this photo of him this morning before he went to school

Michael has to work both jobs today he will get off at 3:30 from school job and go to Wally World at 10 and work to 7 am then come home jump in shower and out the door by 7:30 for school job again. This is the worse night of the week. To bad it had to be on Bubba's Birthday. But they are both out of school on Friday we are driving over to Enid for a few hours before Mike will nap that day to go to work at 10pm again. So we will do something fun for him then.

I picked up his Birthday cake today while he has been at school here it is..

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring break is over and my guys are back to work and to school this morning. Sure was a quick week off for sure. I can hardly believe school will be over in a few weeks and Bubba will be graduating.. WOO HOO Bubba.. YOU rock dude..

Over Spring Break he had an Art Project he had to do. It was to design and decorate a Medieval weapon he made a Hammer it turned out really cool. I took photos of it and with him this morning before I drove him to school.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Please be in prayer for our daughter and family in Japan I did get a quickie note from her. Praise GOD and they are fine. But please keep them and all in your prayers.

Also pray for a friend of ours in CA.. Sis. Pat Yates she is in the hospital and not doing well at all.

Thank you so much Love Judy

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sad news and good news

First off a teacher/friend here in Alva she taught Aaron last year she was about 5 months pregnant and she went to the Dr and the Dr told her the baby's heart was not beating. They enduced her and she delivered him the next day. His funeral was last week. Rest in Peace Baby Jesse James Graham.. so so sad.. Aaron cried through the whole funeral I had never seen such a tiny casket.

Then Aaron has been working in the cafeteria this year during lunch time. His boss Carol became ill over Christmas they found she had a tumor in her brain. They did surgery and she was improving but she passed away on Friday. Her services will be this week. Aaron really enjoyed working with her. She will be missed.

Oh a happy note Michael and I went to Parent/Teacher conferences last night. Aaron is being Mainstreamed from all classes except for English 4. Well he is getting an A in History an A in Math an A in Art an A in Computers and a B in English. WOO HOO way to go Bubba he is trying so hard to graduate with 4.0 GPA... Cannot believe how well he is doing... we are so very proud of him.

Hope all of you who are reading this is well and if you are reading it then it means you love and care for our little family. :-)

Hugs N Prayers

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Been busy

Been a crazy couple of weeks.. snow snow and more snow.. School has been in and out cause of the crazy weather. We had 12-18 inches of snow a week ago.. we were snowed in a day or so.. Mike kept shoveling us out... LOL..

After Bubba's surgery his incision got infected and we he is now on antibiotics and more pain medication bless his heart he has endured so much these past year and a half. He is so strong and does not complain. I am so lucky to have him as my son.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and he gave me a Single Red Rose and told me I was the bestest Mom in the world. Melted my heart.. (smile)

I made Michael and Bubba a Valentine's cake yesterday here is the picture. I got this cool new Bundt Heart Cake Pan I love it..

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Morning

Just got back from Aaron's Pre-Opt appointment from doing xrays and blood etc.. They have him scheduled for Thursday morning at 9 am... Poor kid was really hoping he would not have to have more surgeries. He just does not seem to be getting a break from all of this. Bless his heart he is such a trooper.. He has such a sweet spirit and great attitude on it all.. everyone at the hospital knows him by name now and they all adore him but hey what is not to love to know Aaron is to LOVE AARON...

Jenna had her baby

My cousin Deannie's daughter is a new Mommy...
Jenna is doing great and so is her new daughter Aaliyah Kathryn. She is such a little doll. We went to the hospital to see them. She has a bunch of hair. Aaron just kept holding her saying she is so beautful. He adores babies...

Here she is..

Friday, January 14, 2011

Update on Bubba

First off good news.. he got his report card and he has a 3.5 GPA.. got A's and 3 B's and the B's were almost high enough to be A's so he is doing Awesome in school here..

Now bad news he is going to have to have more surgery we saw the Surgeon on Thursday...and the Hospital just called to schedule it all..

Aaron's Pre-opt for xrays & bloodwork will be the 24th at 8 am... and surgery will be on Thursday the 27th. No time scheduled for actual surgery as of yet they will let us know on Monday the 24th at the Pre-opt she said. She is so sweet she said Judy you guys just can't stay away from us can you? Do you love us that much? Ha! she is so cute. Love all the nurses and Dr. Ransom he is awesome... !!!!

So it is all in God's Hands and I know he will watch over our precious son..

Keep on praying please.. Hugs

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011

Hope everyone had a nice New Years ours was quiet. Michael had to work New Years Eve night and New Years night at Wal-Mart. Since he has been off from school this past 2 weeks he has tried to pick up a couple of extra days at Wally World.

New Years Day was the day my Daddy was born he spent it in Heaven.. I know you had an awesome Birthday Daddy especially with Mom up there with you now.

Also my granddaughter Haley Ann turned 5 years old. She is in Japan for the next 3 years with her Mommy and Daddy. We have not seen her since she was a baby. But none the less she is still our granddaughter. Hope she had an awesome Birthday as well.

We have an appointment on Thursday to see the Surgeon for Aaron. He was in pain a couple of nights ago said something just did not feel right. I checked him out after his shower and indeed it looks like another cyst or something is forming on his backside. He is just now getting all healed up from his last surgery in September I am so praying he does not have to go through yet another surgery. Would like for the remainder of his Senior year to be happy and healthy. He has endured so much.

Anyway wishing you all a glorious New Year... God Bless..