Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Monday Morning

Hope all who are reading this had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours was very quiet. Michael had to go into work at 8 pm and work till 5 am. Bubba was not feeling well and went up to take a nap at 3 pm and did not wake until 5:30 the next morning. So needless to say I was alone most of the day cause Mike had to take a nap too.

I was not going to decorate this year for the Holidays after the cruddy year we have had with all of Aaron's surgeries and health issues.. But he said Mom are you really not going to decorate??? So by that I knew he wanted me to.. so I decided I had to after that. So I have been busy getting the house ready for Christmas.

After losing my Mom and Evelyn just 19 days apart last month, I really did not feel the wanting to celebrate. But life goes on... Cannot sit around feeling depressed. And Bubba needs something to make his days happier he has had such a rough year.

Sometimes I think no one is reading my blog then I get emails from you all saying okay Judy why aren't you posting? HA HA HA.. So I guess many of you do keep up to date on the Lockwood Clan from this site. So I will keep on posting as time permits and I remember to do it. HA!

Here are a few pictures of my decorations..

Sunday, November 21, 2010

YAY for Bubba

Friday was the Regional Level Bowling Special Olympics Bubba insisted he was well enough to try and bowl. He had to bowl in Regionals in order to bowl in State level in January.

HE DID AWESOME he won the GOLD.. WOO HOO Bubba.. he has went through so much with his surgeries and health and treatments this year.. Bless his heart..He had a hard time trying to bowl but did so so good..

Another day

It has been a month ago today since my Mom passed.. Happy for her sad for the rest of us left behind.. Sure she and Dad are having a wonderful time once again..

I love ya Mom

Monday, November 1, 2010

SO glad October is over..

A day after my last posting I got a phone call that said that my Mom had passed away.. I could not believe it. Evelyn had died earlier in the month then Tommy then my mother.. and also Aaron had his surgery and had been in an out of the hospital.

So we took off on Saturday and made the trek to CA for my Moms funeral and then went to Tommys the next day after my Moms.

I know she is finally at peace and is with my Daddy once again and she is HAPPY..

Was such an insane month. I pray November is better..

Please continue to keep Bubba in your prayers.

I had this picture taken of my Mom prior to me moving to Oklahoma..

Rest in Peace dear Mommy...