Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glad this is a new week................

I pray this week is better than last week.

The In Home Health Nurse came each day again this past week to see Bubba and take his vitals and change his dressing etc. He did not feel good most of the week. Then on Friday when she came she was not happy with the way the cyst/tumor was looking at all she said it was going to have to be drained she feared and she called our PCP (Pamela) and she said to come right over. Pam took a culture of it and said we needed to put in a call to the surgeon. So they faxed papers over to Dr. Shreck his surgeon and I called and spoke to the nurse she said she was already gone for the day but that she would give him all the paperwork and info first thing on Monday she said however he is leaving to go out of town this week. (Oh joy) not what I really wanted to hear. So I guess tomorrow we shall see.

Today is Sunday it is 2:17 and the Nurse just left. She said his temp was down today so that is a good thing. She said his Blood Pressure was slightly elevated however.

Then on top of all of Bubba's health issues I have gotten myself a major UTI and my back is killing me..Hurts when I walk really bad. And my fibro has been giving me fits this week as well. I know stress and fibro do not mix. So I am praying this next week is a better week for us all.

I hope you all have a great week.. Love and Hugs

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hello friends

Well we got through the first week back to school for Michael and for Aaron. Aaron is a Senior wow. Mike will be working at the HS as a Paraprofessional in a couple of weeks right now working as a Para at the Middle School.

Aaron broke his cell phone yesterday at school he was so upset I felt so sorry for him.

The In Home Health Care Nurses are still coming daily before school to check his vitals and change his dressing on his infected area. They are AWESOME nurses ALL OF THEM. We are so lucky to have them help us out with this. Keep on praying for his healing and health.

My High School is having their 40th reunion in November in CA I SOOOOOOOOO want to attend.. Please say a prayer for this. I went to school from Grade school with many of these people so have known some of them for almost 50 years it would be so very very awesome to see them all. I just have to pray for a windfall. (smile) or for us or someone to win the lottery. If ya win the lottery any of you please let me know. (smile) Seriously it would be awesome to attend it is during Thanksgiving Weekend so I would actually get to also see THE YEARSLEYs for Thanksgiving so would be a double blessing. So just have to come up with money for the flight to rent a car for a few days and for the ticket for the reunion and hotel cost for the night of the reunion. I can find places to stay while there since it would be just me coming. But still this will be a lot of money. So say a prayer for me that this would work out. I could use a break... Mike really wants me to be able to go we attended his 40th Reunion right before we moved to Oklahoma. It was a lot of fun.

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I have been feeling kind of yucky past few days.. And this heat is a booger it is 106 here today...

Hugs N Prayers to you ALL.........................

Friday, August 6, 2010

Update on Bubba

Okay was I still concerned on how Aaron was doing since his surgery back in February was not pleased at the progress of the healing of the area of the surgery etc. I called his primary Dr. she said to bring him right in to see her. She took one look and said good Lord, she called her nurse in who has worked with wound care patients before her name is Mandy. She said oh no we have to get something done for him this is awful. She did culture (biopsy) of the two areas the actual wounds and also the cyst/tumor like growth growing again on top. When we got home she called and said have Aaron in here before office opens at 8:30 am tomorrow I have someone who needs to see Aaron. So we went in. We saw Regina she is an RN who specilizes in Wound Care Home Health Care. She said yes, they needed to start caring for Aaron NOW...

They set it up for Regina and Wendy to come on Wednesday to our home. They took his vitals and history etc and dressed the infected area etc.. Putting something on to to create to skin growth as well.

Wendy has come everyday since and today another RN came as well to check on him with Wendy. Her name was Mary. All of these ladies are AWESOME so caring and gentle knowing that Aaron having to show his BUTT is not a favorite thing for a young man to have to do. But he is such a trooper and does not complain.

They also put him on a new med for pains as well. Wendy said normally they see patients Monday thru Friday but she said until he is feeling better she wants to see him Saturday and Sunday also. So it will be for 7 days for right now. Eventually will be Monday Wednesday and Friday visits. But it is so awesome they come into our home and do this all...

So we will just have to drive into Enid periodically to see the Surgeon for him to view the progress of the area. We have to go next Tuesday the day before school starts actually to see the Surgeon.

Please continue to keep Bubba in your prayers he has been through so very much this past year with everything. As if life has not been difficult enough over the years with his disabilities he gets thrown this into the mixture as well. He never complains and goes with the flow of what I say needs to be done. He is such a sweet kiddo I love him so so much..

Anyway just wanted to fill everyone in who reads this blog.. any personal questions on the issue just email at I am not posting ALL that is happening with his treatments on this open forum for all to read so feel free to ask if you want to know more.

God Bless