Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

God is so Good.. Thank you Lord

Our God is an Awesome God... he watches over us and cares for us. And even when things are what seems to be the lowest in our lives he always is there to hold our hand and give us a push a long to get us through it all. There are someday's I feel I cannot handle anymore but he gives me the strength to continue on. I want to thank you for all the prayers for Bubba during this difficult time in his life. Poor kiddo as if he didn't already have enough to deal with he did not need all of this on top of it all. He is still re cooping from the surgery it is healing better now but still not fully healed because of the area it is in, it makes it more difficult. He is still on his medications and treatments and many many Dr visits and blood work visits.

I do not know how we would have made it without all the love, support and prayers from all of you. The words Thank You seems so inadequate.

And I do not know how I would make it without my sister Pat out in California. God sure knew what he was doing when he placed her family in our lives. He placed them in our lives a few years before our (DNA family) for lack of a better term walked out on us. We could not ask for a more loving, caring, supportive family for sure. They are truly a GOD SEND in our lives. I truly believe God puts people where they need to be and he knew that we would need them. I would go insane if I didn't have them in my life I am sure. I can call Pat anytime day or night and cry, laugh, complain, vent, gripe whatever I need to do. Hey Sis maybe I need to start paying you for your Psychological Services too. (sorry send me a bill) Ha! And even though Evelyn has 3 biological daughters she loves me and treats me like a 4th daughter. I love you so much Mom, Evelyn and pray that God will help you through all you are going through with your Chemo and Radiation treatments. Just wish I could be there with you all during this time. I was only given one sister by birth, but God gave me 3 sisters by HEART!!!! Thank you GOD.. I love my sisters with all my HEART!!!!! And Aaron is one of the grandkids and nephews so we just ALL fit right in. It is wonderful having people love and accept you for who you are despite your shortcomings and in Aaron's case despite your disabilities. And makes it extra special because you know they really do love us because they don't have to since we are not blood related they LOVE US because they want to.

Aaron loves it that Nathan calls him Uncle Aaron, he adores children so much. And soon will have another nephew, Cooper to call him Unc Aaron also. So I am also greatful for Patrice sharing her children with us and allowing us to be their Uncle and Grandparents.

So thank you GOD for the things you do for my family.. and for giving us such an awesome family.... THE YEARSLEY FAMILY is the greatest!!!!!!!!

Aaron asked me one day if he could change his last name to Yearsley...and am I too old to change my name I could be Judy Yearsley Lockwood.. sounds good to me.. (smile)


Also thanks for the prayers for my Mother, Joyce Waddill she was feeling much better when I called her a couple of days ago. I appreciate your prayers for her also.