Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Busy Week

Been a very busy and hectic week. We left here last Sunday morning to go into Oklahoma City, checked into the hotel and went site seeing a bit. We ate at Texas Roadhouse.. Aaron loves to throw the peanut shells on the floor. Ha!

Monday we had to get up early so that Aaron could have breakfast before taking him to the Autism Eval Class he was attending Monday - Wednesday in Oklahoma City.

We took him there they gave Dad and me a tour and showed us what they would be doing etc. We left Aaron there with his cell phone in case he needed us for anything.

We went off shopping for the day until we went back at 3:30 to pick him up.

That night we went to Movies and to Toby Keith's I LOVE THIS BAR restaurant. It is an awesome place we had eatten there before and has is another place Aaron loves to go.

Tuesday he went back to class and Mike and I just goofed off most of the day it was a rainy and stormy day in Oklahoma City.

That night after we picked up Aaron went to the Cracker Barrel for dinner.

Since we have NO restaraunts here in our town it is nice when we get out of town to actually go in somewhere and have people wait on you. (smile) funny you would think even in this small town they would have a Denny's or something.. NOPE..

On Wednesday morning Mike and dropped off Aaron at the class while I packed all our stuff up. When he got back we loaded the van and went and filled up with gas and went to Sams Club. I always take ice chests when we go into the city because I always want to go to Sams Club.. it is one of the closest ones to us.

Yes, we do live in the sticks before you ask.. (smile)

After Aaron got out of class we drove home a little over a 3 hour drive.

On Thursday Morning Mike, started his new job at the School working with Special Needs Children, he is still working at Walmart too but will be cutting back to working just Friday and Saturday nights there starting next week. He is so good with Special Needs Children and has a lot of patience, love and understanding.

Thursday was also Aaron's first day of school. He is in 5 mainstream classes this year.

His schedule is.. American History, Art, Algebra, Computer II, English III, Biology and some type of Home Ec class too...He is now a Junior in High School and attending a regular High School too I might add. We are quite proud of him and all he has accomplished.

Well I had best get off here and get busy. Mike got off work about 3 hours ago from Walmart and went out to mow the lawn I need to go tell him time to clean up so I can make him some breakfast. He also needs to take a nap today cause he goes back into work at 10 pm tonight at Walmart.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.... sending you all hugs..