Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday July 26th

Heard wonderful news today that Sis. Wiggins is home from the Hospital and Rehab for her knee surgery and that she is doing wonderful. I am so pleased to hear this.
Please continue to keep her in your prayers however while she still is recovering from this. And please continue to keep Sis. Pat Yates in your prayers as well as she is still not doing well.

Have another request please keep my sister in your prayers her fiance passed away this past week and I know that she is having a rough time of it right now, death is never easy. Even though she and I don't really get along I still keep her in my prayers and pray she will be fine, so please say a prayer for her.

As I posted yesterday was our 39th Wedding Anniversary, Aaron took a picture of us this morning after church. We have not aged gracefully. ha ha ha as you can see in the wedding picture I posted yesterday and this one now.

Hope you all have a blessed week.. Love and Prayers

Auction and Food Sale

There was an auction this weekend Friday, Saturday and Today.... from a lady who passed away her estate goodies ALL KINDS OF STUFF she must have had a large house. Anyway whenever this is an auction they will ask the Teen Impact Kids from the Bible Baptist Church that we have been attending. Aaron loves going to Teen Impact and has not had one issue with ANY of the teens there. (God is blessing) Anyway the Church has 2 vans they pick up kids for church on Sundays and Wednesdays etc. The Teen Impact is saving for a new van for the church. Cannot believe how motivated these kids are and how much money they can earn from selling sandwiches and dinners, pieces of pie and cookies etc.. awesome

I took some photos yesterday of the shift Aaron worked.. Some are with his cousin Justin and the man in the pictures is the Pastor Bro. John and the other boy is Zachary...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary to my Hubby

39 years ago I married my best friend Michael and people said it would not last. (smile) oh well guess we showed them huh? Ha

I am so so lucky to have him in my life and to care for me and to love me.

Here is a picture of us when we married and when we were dating... Love ya

Friday, July 24, 2009

Morning Dear Friends

Well if you came on to read my blog guess you are my friend. (smile) so hello there dear friend.

Sorry I have not updated for a bit, been a busy week this week way to MUCH DRAMA for THIS MAMA...

But putting that all aside now and moving on.. life is to short for people who do not love and care for you. Cannot change people even if we wished to. Life goes on and you have to consider what is most important to you and I know I need to care for the two guys in my life and not think about what might have been etc.

GOD IS GOOD....I need to focus on letting him take care of the mean and nasty people and not me. (SMILE) So.. on with life..

Please continue to remember Dear Sis Wiggins as she is still recooperating from her knee surgery. She is doing well and news is possibly going home on Sunday.

Also please remember Sis. Pat Yates, as she is not doing well at all and recently suffered a stroke along with her other medical issues she already had (liver and kidneys) So please remember her and Bro. Lloyd her hubby in your prayers because he is her Caregiver and I am sure is also tired and covets your prayers.

Hope you all have a nice Friday and remember God Loves You even if no one else does and he is all that Matters... so keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart..
Hugs N Prayers to you all........................

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My First Birthday

Been going through old pictures and trying to scan in some more have a bunch to do but here I am on my First Birthday told you I was "FAT" ha ha ha... but I was cute!!! Wonder what happened??? (SMILE)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Missing My Daddy

My Dad left this earth 10 years ago today. I miss him very much I know he is in a better place than we are and walking on streets of Gold, and I shall see him again someday but I SURE DO MISS HIM being here with me now. I would love to be able to talk to him just ONE MORE TIME... I miss you Daddy....If you are blessed enough to still have your Daddy call him today and tell him you love him. You never know when it might be the last time. I called my Daddy everyday to bug him and tell him I loved him...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Our Fourth of July

We had a wonderful Fourth with my family. Deannie and her clan came over and we had a Bar B Q (we did Hot Dogs which is a must on the 4th ha ha and we made hot wings and also Bar B Q chicken breasts and Lemon Pepper Chicken too.... and I made homemade Banana Ice Cream and Homemade Cookies and Cream Ice Cream for dessert.
It is legal to have fireworks here in Alva so we had a lot of fun making a mess too. (smile) Hope you all had a wonderful day as well.
Here are a few pictures..

Here are some of the pictures of how the house was decorated and tables etc...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day

Have a safe and wonderful 4th one and all. Thanking God for the 25 souls that have been saved at Camp Metoche during Camp this year. I have been up most of the night please say a prayer for me I have had a bad headache this week that I cannot seem to shake. It is raining out right now and we plan to Bar B Q today so hoping weather changes for the holiday also. Was sorry to hear about Randy Akes being assaulted a few hours ago but praising the Lord he is fine and the guy was arrested. GOD IS GOOD.
Love and miss you all out there in CA... Hugs