Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, June 29, 2009


2009 Encampment June 29 - July 4, 2009 Camp Metoche in California
Theme this year is "Love Them Like Jesus"
"But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

My heart and prayers are with you all and sad we are in Oklahoma and will miss the evening services as we normally go to each year.. (sad face)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Our Week in Missouri

We had a great time at the Associational Meeting in Missouri this past week, seeing old friends and such and hearing about the wonderful work our Missionarys are doing around the world.

After the Meeting we went to Branson, Missouri another place I had ALWAYS wished to visit. It was only like 30 minutes from where the Association was. We saw an awesome show that night called the Presleys, they do comedy, county, patriotic and Southern Gospel it was really a cool show. We also enjoyed the sights and scenery in Branson.

While in Missouri we also went to see the Precious Moments Museum another place I had always wished to go to. It was only 5 minutes off the freeway or so on our way to the Association so it was a MUST STOP and see thing. (smile)

You can see all the pictures from all 3 of these places we attended if you copy and paste this URL in your browser there were way to many pictures to post them all on here. So if you wish to see them all just copy and paste this.

And click on whichever album you choose to see. Hugs Judy

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Missing My DADDY

Today is Father's Day and I would give anything in this world to have just 5 minutes more with my DADDY.. I miss him so so much. He was one of the greatest men I have ever known in my life. Life has not been the same since the Lord called him home. He was the GLUE that held our fractured family together. I MISS YOU DADDY and loved you so very very much. LOVE PUNKIN

Monday, June 15, 2009

Aaron's end of the year school picture

The photographer came to school and took outside shots I love pictures taken outside. Here is the picture they took the week before school was out.

Weekend at the Lockwood House

On Saturday my cousin called and said hey lets Bar B. She said we will bring over the food. How can you turn that down? All I had to do was bake some beans and make some dips. Mike cooked. She also made a homemade carrot cake which I might add is one of Aaron's favorites, she put pineapples in it (which he really loves) Of course he loves when they are all here because then he has his cousin Justin who is 11 months older than him here to play Wii with. So it was nice having them over for the evening. And Mike had the night off. He tries not to work on Saturday nights because if he does he does not get home till 7:30 AM and it makes him really tired for church that morning.

Yesterday, Bro. John as always did a wonderful job on the morning sermon, but Mike and I really enjoy the studies he does on Sunday evenings. We started a new one last night on the end of times and the condition our world is in. I can so relate to many of the issues he spoke about. Within people whom I felt were my friends and my family. I see prophecy being fulfilled more and more each day. Part of the scripture text was based on 2 Timothy Chapter 3

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Very interesting indeed..... cannot wait until next Sunday evening for the next class.

Also Aaron was quite excited they have a class called TEEN IMPACT, it is similar to the teachings and fellowship of what the Missionary Baptists call THE DISCOVERY PROGRAM.

Aaron is loving it, as you know he was not well excepted in the Discovery Program back in California, he was made fun of and many were not accepting of his disabilities. But the kids and teen leaders here have excepted him with loving, open arms and the leaders work so well with him and actually tell us that he is a joy to have in the class. He participates in class discussions even. Yesterday they gave out new Teen Impact Shirts. Aaron was so so happy they had bought him one as well. He feels like he fits in here. GOD IS GOOD. I am going to post a picture of him in his new shirt last night and what it reads on the back of it.

Also this morning Mike and I took him to the Northwest Oklahoma University Campus here in town, he is beginning a class. He was accepted in the Vocational Rehabiliation Program. He was very very excited. GOD IS GOOD....We are so very proud of Bubba and beginning to feel we should have moved here years ago.

This past semister in school he did wonderful and wound up with 2 A's 2 B's and 3 C's. He is doing so well. Amazing what happens when you have the right people to work with a special child (teenager)......

Anyway that was our exciting weekend and now we begin a new week. Next week is the Association in Missouri and we are looking forward to attending that.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thanks Richard for the new pictures

Richard emailed me and said he had taken new pictures of Prestyn. He took pictures of his precious little Angel in one of the PJ outfits I sent. It was a Preemie size and it fits her pretty good. The dress I sent was a newborn but should fit her soon because she is now 4.75 pounds. She is growing fast. GOD IS GOOD.... Also he said court went well. Keep on praying. I put a new song on this page just for you Prestyn. Love ya Auntie Juju

Monday, June 8, 2009

Church Picnic

The Bible Baptist Church here in Alva we have been attending has an annual picnic before Camp each year. Yesterday after morning services we all went to the park and had a Bar B Q it was very nice. We had the evening service at the park also. We got home just in time before a thunderstorm hit and tornado warning. But it was a very short lived storm but was exciting... I love rain when it comes down hard like that.... It had been nice weather while at the park. THANK YOU GOD for waiting to bring the storm until we were all safely home... was a wonderful day with Brothers and Sisters in Christ. God is Good....

Monday, June 1, 2009

Our drive to Pratt, Kansas on Saturday

On Saturday we went into Kansas to Pratt City... it is only about an hour from us. We went over to check the city out and to get my oil changed in my van and do some shopping. Of course we had to stop and take pictures of the Water Tanks for Michael (smile) as always.. He loved the ones that said Hot and Cold on them. We also loved the wall of flags in Pratt and the pretty Theater they have also and in Medicine Lodge, Kansas they have a Veteran Memorial that is quite pretty as well.. We had a nice weekend was beautiful weather for a nice drive.