Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, March 31, 2008

More Airshow Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from Saturday's Airshow....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Air Show 2008

Aaron was feeling a bit better yesterday so after his Guitar lesson we went to watch the Air show for a bit. It was pretty cool. Here is a picture from is of a War Dog T-6 plane racing against the Air Force Reserve Jet Car. Pretty cool huh?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008

We had wonderful services yesterday morning for Easter at our church. There were 174 in attendance a full house which was great. We had many great specials too. I got a few pictures.I hope you all had wonderful church services yesterday too.

Our choir sang a song a I really liked so I video taped it with my digital camera. You will need to turn off the music player at the bottom of my page if you wish to view and listen to the video of the choir. (smile)

After church I came home and cooked all afternoon. I made 2 pans of enchiladas with meat and cheese and a pan with just cheese enchiladas. I also made Spanish Rice and Refried Beans. I also made a Carrot Cake because it was Pat's Birthday on Easter too. I did not want the Yearsley Family to have to cook on Easter with Evelyn still being in the hospital and all. So after it was all cooked we took it over to their house.
When I spoke to Evelyn on the phone while there she said please send me a plate of food and some cake. (she is tired of the hospital food I think) So when Pat, Bob and Bill went over there for evening visiting hours they took her some food. Aaron even got a bucket full of goodies for Easter from Bob and Pat. This family never forgets Aaron and includes him in on all family things. SO SO AWESOME.....
We spent the afternoon and evening there. OUR WONDERFUL FAMILY....God sure blessed us when he put them ALL in our lives. I do not know what we would do without them. They have been such a support system for me whenever Aaron is in the hospital and even when I just had my surgery. WE LOVE THEM ALL.
This is Pat opening up her Birthday Present from us.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Prayers Please

Well I spent most of the night in the hospital last night. We finally got home at 1:30 am this morning. Mike took me in yesterday afternoon they sent me down to urgent care. I got a throat infection was running a 103 temp and got dehydrated they gave me an IV and some IV antibiotics and liquid Tylenol with Codeine for the pain. They sent me to the lab for blood work. Then they sent me for xray to make sure throat wasn't clogged said it was fine. Am feeling better today he sent me home with Liquid Penicillin to take for 10 days and some liquid Tylenol with Codeine. I have not been able to eat for 2 days and could drink very little because my throat hurt so much.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Prayers Still Needed

Last Friday Evelyn was put in the hospital at Loma Linda because she had a blood clot. She has had a few surgeries since then and seems to be doing better. But PLEASE continue to keep her in your prayers. She is ONE SPECIAL LADY and we love her very much.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Monday, March 10, 2008

Saturday... Busy Day....

Saturday was Opening Day for the "2008" Baseball Season for Bill's Special Kids. It was picture day and Bar B Q and fun and games. I helped run the cake walk so the pictures I got where taken at the Cake Walk since I was there all day. Thunder the Mascot for Lake Elsinore Baseball Team came to join us for the day. He even did the Cake Walk. Was a fun day for all. Here are some of the photos.

Later in the afternoon we went to Ashley's 14th Birthday Party in Hemet. She loves anything Tinkerbell so Aaron bought her a Tinkerbell purse that she loved. It was a nice party and thanks for inviting us. (smile)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sunday is Daylight Savings Time

Just a reminder to set your clocks before you go to bed Saturday Night...
glitter graphics

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ordination March 1, 2008

Yesterday we went to Coachella for the Ordination of Jerry Gayler to the office of Deacon. It was an awesome service. Jerry did an excellent job of answering all questions. I was very proud of him. He has known me since I was 11 months old and he was like a big brother to me growing up as a child. The Gayler family has always been like family to me. In fact Odis and Elnora have always called me a daughter. It was wonderful seeing them yesterday too. And Elnora said how is my daughter, Judy doing since your surgery? She said we were praying for you. She is so sweet. Then in the afternoon during lunch I could not eat and neither could she so we talked some with Darren one of Jerry's sons. She laughed and said I remember when we went to the San Diego Zoo and you stung your tongue. I said my goodness mom that was when I was like 7 years old. I said you have a wonderful memory. She said well that was quite a day. We were watching the Seal show and they had bought me and Sharon an all day sucker those big colorful round ones. Well I was licking away watching the show and little did I know there was a bee on mine. It stung my tongue also did not know I was allergic to bee stings. I swelled up in a matter of a few minutes. I was quite a sight. (smile) was funny though she had remembered that. I got a picture of her and Darren with Clarissa (Jason and Pepper's daughter) I will post it when I post the pictures.

Steven Ridings came over to me after the questions had been asked of Jerry and asked if I had my camera and if I could take some pictures of the laying on of hands of Jerry I got a really cool one of his Dad talking to him. Then after that the church presented Jerry with a Bible they had asked Bro. Burdette to present it to him. Bro. Burdette was my Pastor for many years at Coachella.

It was a great day and then to top it all of and make it really special... Sean Kallner had come down from Northern California for the Ordination and Scott Kallner was there too so Jason Gayler and Matt Graham all sang. It was the Blood Washed Band revisted minus one (Rob Manley) was not there. It was wonderful hearing them again and seeing them together after so many years. I am so happy we got to go yesterday....Have a video of the guys singing but it is 138mb and they only allow 100 so will have to see if I can shorten it somehow so I can post it...