Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Our House for Christmas "2009"

You can view all the pictures here in this album if you cannot see them let me know

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I pray you all had a wonderful day with your loved ones. I spent the day with my two favorite guys in the world my wonderful hubby and Bubba. Normally we spend the day with OUR FAMILY The Yearsleys but since they are in California and we are in Oklahoma that was not meant to be.

We drove into Enid and went to the movies saw 2012 was a cool movie. Then we ate at Golden Corral.

Hope your day was pleasent and you were able to spend it with the ones you love..


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gaither Homecoming Concert

We are back from Tulsa the concert for Gaither Homecoming was awesome as usual..

Bubba got his picture with Mark Lowry I got mine with Ronnie Booth and Gordon Mote.. we had great seats 4th row from the front.. here are a few pictures...

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Special Olympics Aaron brings home the GOLD

We went to Woodward bright and early this morning for the Special Olympics Bowling a fun time was had by all and Aaron won a First Place Gold Medal woo hoo for Bubba..

Here is his picture after getting his medal

And here is the link to see all the pictures

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Christmas Family Pictures 2009

We didn't get any family pictures done last year because we were in the midst of moving back here. We arrived here 5 days before Christmas last year. Hard to believe we have been gone a year almost already. Time is flying by. Anyway we went to have pictures done. Normally they guys put on suit and ties I said hey lets do casual. Now that I can get into a pair of jeans. (smile) So we did. The photographer asked if we could do some floor shots I said yep I can get up and down now I said 2 years ago I couldn't do that. Ha!!!! Amazing what losing 130 pounds can do for ya huh? So here are some of the shots they took..

Update on Bubba

We went back to the Oncologist in Enid they were amazed it had only been a month since his last surgery and it had grown back almost as large as it was in the beginning they had never seen anything like it before. So into surgery he went again this time they did a Lazer like treatment on it. Also a CT scan. We go back in 2 weeks. Bubba has been such a trooper through all of this we are soooooooooo proud of how he is handling all of this. THANK YOU LORD!!!!!

Please continue to keep him in your prayers..

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Tuesday Morning

We attended the Special Olympics meeting held at the High School last night. Aaron is going to participate in the bowling devision this month. In the spring possibly either do Basketball or Baseball. He is quite excited to do this. He really misses bowling with the Bills Special Kids Sports Group in California.

So they will practice today and Thursday after school and next Tuesday and Thursday after school. Then the event is on the 20th in Woodward, Oklahoma which is a little over an hour from where we live at. I will drive over and watch him. Dad cannot go because it is during the day and he has to work.

Next Monday the 16th, we go into Enid to the Oncologist for Aaron's next appointment since his last surgery. Please keep this matter still in your prayers. We are praying for wonderful results and that the medication is working.

I also have another prayer request. Please keep dear Evelyn Yearsley in your prayers. As you know she is like a Mom to me and Bubba calls her Grandma. As I write this she is in the hospital and has not been doing well. So please lift her up in prayer and her family as well. We love and miss them very much and wish we could be there for them when they need us. But our thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with them.

Have a blessed day to all who read this posting.. Hugs