Judy Ann Lockwood

Judy Ann Lockwood
I am also called SugarBear...Juju.. and Mom

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael

Our Special Son... Aaron Michael
I do not know what I would do without him!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Praying that SOMEDAY people will understand special Kids!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Grandparents Day

We are so blessed to have a sweet daughter who thinks of us as grandparents for her adorable sons...

Got the best surprise in the mail a card.. look at it.. it made me cry... I LOVE YOU PATRICE.. You are tbe best daughter in the world anyone could ever pray for..
Thanks for calling me MOM... I love you.. and my adorable grandsons...and of course BEN too.. (smile)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

WHEW what a week...

Home health nurses are still coming daily at 8 am during the week and 10 am on weekends...

Started out Monday morning with nurse coming then took Bubba to school he had eye appointment after school so I picked him up at 3 and took him for exam. Needed new glasses.. (more money someone wanted.. LOL)

Then Tuesday Home health nurse arrived we had appointment with Surgeon in afternoon in Enid. So picked Bubba up from school and picked up Michael from work and off to Enid we went. The surgeon decided he did need to do a bit of surgery on the tumor/cyst once again to open it up. ( I think they are going to have to take him back into surgery again ) to have it all cut off and totally removed not just opened up. Nurse thinks so also she does not think this infection is going to clear up without complete removal of entire thing. Surgeon was leaving for vacation on Wednesday so he will see him again on the 14th I think it is. So will know more than.

Wednesday nurse came took she said I should keep him home today he was running a temp and was bleeding quite a bit. So he stayed home. We had afternoon appointment at the College for his Vocational Rehabilitation Program so we did make it to that.

Thursday nurse came and said he could try and go to school if he felt up to it. He wanted to try and go so he did. We had an after school appointment with his Psychologist.
However Thursday morning I had a bad morning. My fibro has been killing me lately but something else was going on had a backache that would not quit. It took me like 10 minutes to get off my bed everytime I would move it was like I was being stabbed in the back. I never cry with pain but I sure did Thursday morning I scared Mike and Bubba cause I never cry or complain with pain I deal with it. It took me like 10 minutes to finally get down all the stairs. I was HURTING. So even though I do not have insurance I called the Dr and told them she said come right in when I took Bubba to school. She gave me Steriod shot, Pain Shot and my B-12 injection I was overdo on. And sent me home with also a bunch of medication she said I have Sciatica and the nerve was being pinched or something. All I knew was I was hurting. I also have Degenertive Joint Disease and Osteoarthritis so these do not help either. Anyway I was able to motivate after the injections. Do not like the meds they make me feel like Gumby but I am taking them cause better than the pain.

Friday nurse came then took Bubba to school. Eye Dr called his glasses were in so had to take him there after school.

Saturday Nurse came at 10:00 Mike went up to nap about noon he had worked all night at Walmart from 10 pm to 7 am came home and mowed some of our acre of lawn. We have ALOT OF LAWNS at this house.. Bubba went up to nap so I just kicked back and rested some besides doing a bit of laundry.

Today is Sunday could not attend church this morning cause Nurse was coming between 10 and 11 am. She left a bit ago. So Bubba went up to play his game and rest. Mike is out working on yard some more then he is gonna take a wee nap he worked all night again at Walmart. Hopefully we can go to church tonight at 6 pm for evening services if Bubba is up to it.

Tomorrow is Labor Day Mike does not work and Bubba has no school. Nurse is coming at 9 am. We hope if Bubba is up to it for us to drive into Pratt, Kansas tomorrow so we can get out of town for a couple of hours. They have a huge Walmart Supercenter there and they have the auto section so I can get my oil changed. We do not have any of those things at our Walmart here. Silly too cause it is the only store basically we have in this tiny town you would think they would have all the special things in this store. BUT NOPE.. we are in the STICKS I tell ya.. (smile)

So that is our past week in a short version you can see all I did was run, run, run and take Bubba here and there. He is a full time job I tell ya. But I LOVE HIM to death.. My Gentle Giant who is like a Teddy Bear..

Hope you all had a better week than we did... Between Aaron's new glasses having to drive to Enid for his surgery and my Dr appointment and paying for my medications we had a very very expensive week.. Hope this week is better..

Whew I am pooped just writing about my week...

Sending you many hugs..

ALSO PLEASE keep Evelyn in your prayers she started a new round of Chemo and is making her very tired...

Love you